Thursday, May 28, 2009

so i am now 27

yes i had a birthday and all and that was all great but my day was just as the same as everyother day but the only differnce is that i am getting older on this day of mine. which was may 21. so hugh took me out to supper and it was nice to go with out any kids who would complain or cry for more chocolate milk., but we went in his truck and it felt like we were dating but we can go home and we have a house full of kids so that only lasted 2 hours then it was back to being mom and cleaner. my sister cheryl and my mom made my cake which was fabulous and it was even better 2 days later. well got to go and get my house clean for justins party. see you all soon

Friday, May 15, 2009


I love going and perticapating in trade fairs and i like to look at things and iam a sucker for tupper wear because i love to use their stuff. so this year i thought that iwould cut out wood prodjects and i would sell them. well i made them and it took a long time and my mom helped which was great and all but i only sold one and it was the one that i never want to make again. all the other ones where so cute. so i am now stuck with some wood prodjects that i dont need i am going to keep them but i have extra ones of them. so if you want any i would happy to sell them to you. i will take pictures of them and put them on the blog. i make cards and i sold alot of them. so that was great i need tomake more so i am going to start soon and have lots at the trade fair. but i think i am going to go into the craft fair in bow island and also in medicine hat and maybe in lethbridge i might also look into the farmers market in lethbridge too. so who know i might beabel sell theese. they are so cute.well i was fustrated but i think christmas ones will be better selling. well have a great friday and long weekend. we get to see cheryl and justin cant wait. it has been a long time. (4months but who is counting.)

Friday, May 8, 2009

10 things about my mother which is FABULOUS

10Things about my mothers
  1. she always is there when i need her
  2. she is a great listener
  3. she is a fabulous baby sitter
  4. she likes to play fun games
  5. she is so good at the wii fit
  6. she always looks nice
  7. she is the best cook ever
  8. she is always there if i need to talk too
  9. she does not live to far away and is always happy to see us
  10. she always has a good sense of humor she may say she does not but she makes all of us laugh and that is what makes here the best mom ever.


To all the Mothers out there in the whole wide world.

This post is to all the mothers and soon to be mothers and to my two sisters who are mothers and to my very special mother who does a lot for me and i dont always show my apperication for it. so i want to tell her how much i LOVE her and how much she is so important in my life and my childrens. i also want to say that she is so much to be with and the kids like to be at her house so that they can play with the wii fit which is the best mothers day gift that we all gave her. so here is a poem for everyone who is a mother.

Real Mothers don't eat quiche;
They don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils
Are probably in the sand box or the garden.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors,
Filthy oven and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried play dough
Doesn't come out of carpets (espically shag carpet)
Real Mothers don't want to know what
The Vacuum just sucked up...
Real Mothers sometimes ask 'why me?'
And get their answer when a little
Voice says, 'Because I love you best.'
Real Mothers know that a child's growth
Is not measured by height or years or grade....
It is marked by the progression of mommy to mom to mother....
i just thought that this poem works for all kinds of mom. you may be a mom for the first time or this might be your 5th or that your kids are all grown up and moved on. i want to tell my sisters what great moms they are and that their kids are so blessed to have them as their moms. they are both loving and caring people and their kids are always happy. i want to tell my mom that i am the best mom i am because of you mom. you show all of us how we should be as a mom and that our kids are the most important thing in our lives and that we need to show them how much welove them so to all the mom out their and to my family
Happy Mothers Day
Note to husbands Mothers day is May 10 so you have a few days to shop but plesas dont forget.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Back in the rushing times

Yesturday i went to the denist and all was good got two fillings where not so good. was in there for a good 1hour 1/2. so it was a long time to sit there and smell my teeth being grinned. i better stop because some of you might not like the denist. well anyway i was at the denist and i then have to run to lethbridge and get my daughter her new glasses because she needed a back up pair because the other ones always broke. so i run there and run to micheals to get more paint for my wood prodjects and i will post pictures of them. they are going to sold at the trade fair that i am in. so i go there and get hugh some new runners which is another funny story which i will tell later. then i go and eat which is another one wis hsome one i knew was with me like cheryl she would have had a great laugh well we both of us would have. then i go to walmart becuase i have a bridal shower to go to and so i needed a gift and got that then i finally got to go home and i was pooped then i had to bring hugh supper out to the field. thats right we are in the field after a nice break anyways we got there and all and then the kids wanted to go for a ride and then i went and got them from the ride and then we finallly got them to sleep whcih was nice because it was befroe 9pm. most nights it is harder. and hopefully tomorrow i am going to be making my own spagetti sause and i will blog about that one too. hopefully it will turn out well i have to go and finish making cards for the trade fair too.

update on the house staying clean

my house has stayed clean. the back enterance is a little dirty and so i need to sweep it and make sure the shoes are in order and only one pair too. so that is all i am getting down the landry today so i am going to beable to work on both my spagetti sause and my wood prodjects so stay tuned.