Monday, August 9, 2010

i just want to scream

i am not sure what to title this os that is why there is no title. we have been busy we started today swimming lessons and i had to run to town to get somethings. but have you has one of those days that are great in the morning and thatyou had a great sleep that night before and then when you think things go well we go shopping and nothing turns out. then you leave a store fustrated because no one is listening. then you get home and you just wantto scream. that is what i will title this blog. i just wis hthe people or children would listen but i guess i need to prepare my kids that when we go somewhere that they need to listen. but we just walked out and i did not buy anything which is nice becasue i saves money but when someone needs something out of there then it is not so good. hugh needs new pants. he has lost some weight and has gone down 4 pants sizes. so to say the least he pants do not fit and he only has a few that do. i need to wash his jeans. he has been watching what he eats and esspically at night not to have ice cream or honey toast. so he has lost weight. he has this thing that he is going to weigh less then me when i have this baby. well we have stayed pretty close toeach other right now he is weighing less then me but only by one or two pounds. i am not dieting but i have been eating a lot more fruit. well we all have. and i love to buy fruit.
i am now in need to get hugh some more jeans and i also need to clean my house. right now the house cleaning has to come first. but i also want to make the kids their shorts before summer vaction is over. as you can see i wrote vacation and not summer by it self because summer comes and then goes. it is supose to rain here tomorrow and on wednesy so i am not sure if there will be swimming lessons. they will call me and let me know. and then we will know. i would like to take them to the swimming pool one of these days which might be the thursday becasue one of the kids have a birhtday party that they get to go to and so i need to do somehting fun with the others . i need to go and make supper for the kids and so that they can all go to bed early.

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