Friday, August 20, 2010

You know when.................

You know when my hubby is happy when it comes to his crop. Right now we have just started on harvest which is at least three weeks late. Anyways we are right now harvesting on hughs and he is like a little kid at a candy store who can have what ever he wants. This year our crops have been doing really well and we are hoping that because they are have such a good year that the prices will come up and we can then build our dream home and stop renting because we are getting tired of not having the room and what we want out of our home.

My hubby is so excited that he had to call me and tell me how good his crop is. I just wish that i could ride the combine with him because with such a good crop i want to see him harvest it but when you have 5 kids who all want to go on the ocmbine and when you are 36 weeks pregant it just does not work. it will be nice when it is all done and sold or in the bin. and how excited i will be when we start on our house. we have been renting for the past nine years in the some house. yes hugh andi have not moved since we have been married and i think wewill only move one more time and that will be in our own home. Hugh has all the tools and so he can do pretty much everything but eletrical or plumming. so we have to leave that up to the experts.

Right as i am writing this hugh has the two boys out on the combine and they are having a fun time riding it. when i have to pick them up i am going to be taking pictures of hugh on the combine and hten iwill post it. becasue i am sure some of you arenot sure what a combine looks like. so our house is quite with just the girls. which my next time i post will be on how quiet my house will be when school starts. 2 girls and a baby home.

I like living the life of a farmers wife but my most special times are the end of seeding and the end of harvest because then i get a break of not having to run out to the feild or to town to get parts. those are the special moments of a farmers wife that we all celebrate. we like when everything is in the ground at seeding time because the farmer that we married is also happy too. and then we are both happy when the crops are in the bin and we have not had any hail. what a joy that is. then we both get excited when the prices get to where they are good and we can pay all our expenses off. and in our life right now that we can build our house. the kids are excited too but they still dont understand that they will be in a different school then they are in right now. but enough with me talking i justknow my hubby is excited about harvest and so i need to get the house clean and then he will be excited that the house is clean. both things he wants will be done. but it is sure a undertaking. yah for harvest and lets hope no hail. or at least it can come but after we have all the harvest done that goes for us and all the other farmers out there too.

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