Tuesday, December 7, 2010

so how do you like them.

they turned out so cute .   i love how they are and my most favorite picture is the one with my little holly standing and everyone else is laying down. just wanted to say that and did not put it in my other blog

we got family photos done

hugh has been bugging me for a long time to get family photos done and so i booked them in sears.  and they turned out so cute.  justin had a shinner, holly would not sit still she would run off.  the price almost made us walk out until they came back with a better price.  which we liked and i got a cd with the pictures so now they are mine.  but we had fun.  here are some of the pictures.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

its a good day to sew

As I woke up on tuesday morning I relized that the kids would not be going to school and it would be a great day to sew.  This year I got Cheryl and Natalies families for christmas.  So that makes three girls and one boy.  So this year I decided I would make the girls dress and Myers' a vest, tie to match his sister.  So off to fabric land i go and i found each color for each of them.  and they all match each other.  i also decided to make it easy on me and make the same dress.  and i wanted to be a head of the game so i have almost finished my last dress.  yes my last dress,  it is the one that really looks like christmas.  i cant wait for the girls to wear them and how they all look like princess.  also i am going to make my girls dresses and my sons vest and ties.  cant wait.  i still need to get their material but i got the others done.  i stayed up to midnight with one dress and it even turned out wonderful.  iwll post pictures in teh new year as that is when the girls will have them.  my girls loved it.  so i sewed for two days.  when it is snowing and you want to do something that makes you happy then do it.  because the house can wait and so can everything else.  i am do happy i got finished.  it was fun.  so that is my fun with snow.  and i  love to sew on cold days because you are warm at home.  enjoy the snow ....... because it will be here for like EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Have you ever

As i was driving on saturday to Medicine Hat where my parents have now moved it was a little weird. As most people know we the Myers girls have moved lots in our lives. And now that we are married well three of us, we still move. As for me i have not moved since i have been married which has been nine years in this house. wow. but back to where i was. i was feel a little weird because everytime my parents moved then i would be going with them and meeting new people and go to church at a different building but this time i am not going with them and i have to come to home to my old house and i am still in the same ward which is fine because i love my ward. as i said was weird. what also was nto hte same was that my sister cheryl was not there and uncle mayne. he was not there and all the other moves we have made he has alwasys been there to help us. what a great uncle. but because i am married and natalie is married and whit has a boy friend we used them to move them and we all pitched into.

Yesturday we went over as a family and we helped mom and dad clean. there is not much left for them to do. i think the kitchen and the master bed room. which i think they can do it. i am so excited for my parents and their new adventure into this new house that is theirs. its nice and we all can feel the space that they have. even with all the boxes. i might go and help set up the house some time this week. because dad has to get back to work. cant wait unitl christmas because we will all be there and we will see how the house is when we all are there. and my kids cant wait to stay over there with hugh and i as well. we lvoe your new home mom and dad and as tye penting would say "Welcom home Myers, Welcome home." and it is so easy to get there. Now i need to find a babysitter????

Friday, October 8, 2010

Its been a while

As i can see that it has been a while since i have written on my blog. which is not good because lots of things have happened since the last time i have written on it. first and foremost we had a little girl on Set 23 2010. we named her Hannah Jessica. she weighed 8lbs 9oz and she was 201/2 inchs long. she has blonde hair and looks a lot like her dad. The kids sure love her and fight over who gets to hold her. She sleeps really good at night and that is good because i need sleep. she is number six in our family and she completes our family. I am happy that stage of my life is done. no regrets.

the second most important thing is that hugh has finished our harvest and we are almost done his dads so that is good. soon it will be winter and planning for next spring.

third, we got everythign out of our garden and i just did up the carrots yesturday and then we will be making apple sause so if anyone out there has some great apple sauces reciepes please share them with me. email me at kidsofvos@yahoo.ca. thats all for now.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

As you can see

As you can see i have been not blogging and that is because i have been doing alot more stuff. like making pies. in one day hugh and i made 19 pies. he gives me more created and said i made them but he did the apples so he is part of it. so when i tell people i say "we made". now i still have apples and so i need tomake more because we are now down to 15 pies. i ahve given some away. so i need to make more but after thatone day of making pies i have not had the energy to make more. maybe tonight. or maybe not. i alos have been working on doing up my corn. which i did and hugh helped with that which i am so greatful. and now i look at the calander and i have only 10 days until my due date and i said where has the time gone and just wait in a couple of weeks i will have a new baby and my mom and dad will be moving in to there new house soon and we will be finally in to the rush of things. harvest has been slow because of the weather but as hugh says what can you do about it.? nothing because we have no control over it. and next week i will be getting all the stuff i will need for the baby. like diapers that will fit her. and then i will be getting al lthe clothing ready too. so i better get going so i can get some things done tonight like maybe make 5 or 6 pies. ithink i can. well maybe.

As you+

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

why cant things last

yesturday i decided i needed to make somecookies for the kids lunchs. well i thought these should last at least until weds. not so . hugh came in when i was taking the first ones out of the oven and he has to swip alomost all of them and then needed a bag of them to take with him to the combine and then i took more out later and they where like gone whne the kids saw them. so now when justin and katelyn got home they ate some more cookies and there are like two left so guess what i have to do to night is make more but i htink i might make them when the kids are sleeping and when hugh is full of supper.

i was thinking yesturday how i use to make cookies when it was just hugh and i and they would go bad after a while which would be months after . but now that i have 5 kids they dont last two days. so that is why it is better to make big batches when you have a lot of kids who eat them and not when there is only 2 of you . so i did make a lot of jello for the kids and lets see how long that will last.

Friday, September 3, 2010

my new cell phone.............

yesturday i went to lethbridge and had a doctors appt. everything is fine with that. the baby is still active and she love to stretch at around 7 am so that is my wake up call. anyways went to the city got a new cell phone because my other phone we thought could not text but turns out that one of my kids decided to put on a pass word or a PUK on my sim card and i could not text so yesturday well last night i decided to play with the new phone and i played to much with it that i could not do anything but call the emgercy number. which is not good because i did not want to do that. then with all the fustration i had and hugh knew i was fustrated because i just did nto want to talk or even look at anyone and i just wanted to sleep because i wanted to have this nightmare over. well he decidedto call rogers this morning while i got the kids ready for school and got it all fixed. my old sim card is no good now. but when you buy a pay as you go phone then you get a new sim card. and so they fixed it with the new sim card. yah. i am so happy that hugh delt with it because i was fustrated this morning knowing i could not do anything. he was calm and i would not have been and i would have started to cry because my new phone is so much fun. anyways now i can text people yah. so it took hugh about 30 minutes to get it all worked out and os when he was gone i text him and told him thankyou even though i told him before. now my phone works andi dont need to worry and i have locked my key pad so no one can get into it. lets hope so. but i was so mad with technology that i wished i did not have a phone to begin with. now

Saturday, August 28, 2010

did any one call for a taxi??????

I have been a taxi for hugh for the past couple of days. i ahve been picking up one of the hired hands and i have been the taxi that is full of little kids who thinks it is so cool to go to the field to pick people up. all i need now is a sign that says Hughs taxi service. as i am the driver but he is the boss. so the past couple of days i have been to grassy lake ,to bow island to burdett and then back home and then to the field about four times last night. which the kids had fun but my house looked like a stamped went through it and i have nto cleaned it today either but for the kichten because i needed to make snacks for the kidsa nd i cant wait unitl school starts holly will get some good naps then and i will beable to get things done that i normal dont get done. but i need to get the house clean for sunday so there is not much to do and it is only 4pm. at least most of my laundry is done and i dont have to worry about that. the baby is very active today and it is hitting my blatter like it is a punching bad for her. i have been going to the bath room alot more. well nothing else is new. been workign on some baby blankets which i need to get on it again so i can give it to the person who is going to be at church on sunday. i cant believe that the summer is over. where did it go and the weather today is so nice because it is so fall like. i cant wait to wear sweaters and all that. i will take a photo of my baby blankets and then i will post them so all can see what i have been making and also the cute girls outfits that i made a week before summer vacation is over. have a wonderful fall day. did any one need a taxi??????

Friday, August 27, 2010

got all the school stuff...............

Now that i did the big buy and got all my three school age kids their supplies for school i am ready for school to start and to have some time to my self before the baby comes and then i will ahve not time at all for my self that is why i am sewing stuff right now and getting the house in order so that i can do as little a possible so that i can enjoy my last baby in my arms.

yesturday i had a wonderful surprise before i went to lethbridge of a doctors appt. a lady who is dear to me did some laundry for me and the kids and you now what she got it all done and the laundry has never looked or smelt as clean as i have ever had. what a wonderful lady she is. she hangs her laundry out side to dry and i htink that whats makes the difference how i love that. she even made my whites look whiter. anyways she got it all done. she loves to do laundry. i don't mind it but she loves it. so she has been doing some for me and i think i am going to get her to do more. it is wonderful. so when i came home from lethbridge all i had to do was put it a way. and i was so nice. it was like my mom had done my laundry when i was a kid. and then she left some cookies for us and they where the best tastings cookies ever. they where so soft and delicious. how i love them. well sad to say they are all gone and i need to make more. and find out how she gets hers to be so wonderful. she even had a house full of grand kids come to visit her and she got my laundry done. so i am going to get her something even special for all the love she gives me and my young family.

the kids where watching sesame street and the word of the day was hughmongous i think i spelt that wrong but i did try to use spell check and it was no help to me. anyways we thought that could be their dads new nickname. hugh mongous anyways we laugh and if you are not oh well i guess you had to be there.

it will be nice when school is in and the kids will see their friends and get to have fun. we have already planned to have a holiday in sept. in drumheller cant wait. but i will let you know what we might do. so all to those moms out there getting ready for school or getting your kids ready for school i understand. its sad to see them go but happy at the same time becasue then you dont have to entertain them anymore during the day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

so this is what i have been working on............

i have been working on cleaning my house and also i have been working on my kids shorts becasue i had got all the stuff before the summer and now the summer is over so i need to get it done so i can have them for next year. so i have been working on katelyns shirt and hers is the hardest. but i have made one like it before which is karlas but i have been making mistakes with katelyns or i would have been made already made so i would have pictures of it but right now i dont. i am taking a break because i know iwould make more mistakes with it and then it will not turn out and that would not be good because all the girls match. the boys match but they only got shorts because i dont have time to make shirts for them but they want ones so i think this christmas they will get some western shirts. hugh will get one too .. but dont hold that to close to me it all depends on how busy i willbe. but i think i canget it done. well i will blog later i just had to post my little fustration on the sewing and all of you out there who like to sew will understand where i am coming from. my only suggestion is if you getfustrated let it sit for a couple of hours or a couple of days it depends on how fustrated you are. so take your time and enjoy what you have made when it is all done and looks perfect to you. which it should look good to everyone else.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is what i have been up too............

Monday i was cleaning the house like a mad woman and my kids couldsay that too. wegot their room all cleaned out and orgainzed and so that it will be neat when they got to school which is in 6 days. yah. and i baked some blue berry muffins, made puff wheat squares, and chocolate chip cookies. well i can say the muffins are still here and so are the puff wheat squares but the cookies not so much gone before lunch time. and i only got one. i better make some more tonight. with out the kids.

then today which is tuesday i cleaned the back enterance been doing some landry and been sewing too. i finished make hollys top that matches her shorts. she look cute and she might wear it to church because it looks like adress on her. it is a little big but she will have lots of time to wear ti next summer. and i have been cleaning the kitchen too. the living room got done tomorrrow and if i had more energy the whole house would have been cleaned yesturday but i was burned out around 4 pm and so i made supper had family home evening and then i made cookies withthe kids and putthem to bed but before that we read our scriptures and then they brushed their teeth. what great kids i have then they went ot sleep right away and so did holly and then i was able to go to sleep early which was 9pm. it was so nice. and then they slept in until 730am. well better run. and get some food out to hugh because they are still harvesting. now we are in the rush of things. yah. soon it will be over and the baby will be here too.

Friday, August 20, 2010

You know when.................

You know when my hubby is happy when it comes to his crop. Right now we have just started on harvest which is at least three weeks late. Anyways we are right now harvesting on hughs and he is like a little kid at a candy store who can have what ever he wants. This year our crops have been doing really well and we are hoping that because they are have such a good year that the prices will come up and we can then build our dream home and stop renting because we are getting tired of not having the room and what we want out of our home.

My hubby is so excited that he had to call me and tell me how good his crop is. I just wish that i could ride the combine with him because with such a good crop i want to see him harvest it but when you have 5 kids who all want to go on the ocmbine and when you are 36 weeks pregant it just does not work. it will be nice when it is all done and sold or in the bin. and how excited i will be when we start on our house. we have been renting for the past nine years in the some house. yes hugh andi have not moved since we have been married and i think wewill only move one more time and that will be in our own home. Hugh has all the tools and so he can do pretty much everything but eletrical or plumming. so we have to leave that up to the experts.

Right as i am writing this hugh has the two boys out on the combine and they are having a fun time riding it. when i have to pick them up i am going to be taking pictures of hugh on the combine and hten iwill post it. becasue i am sure some of you arenot sure what a combine looks like. so our house is quite with just the girls. which my next time i post will be on how quiet my house will be when school starts. 2 girls and a baby home.

I like living the life of a farmers wife but my most special times are the end of seeding and the end of harvest because then i get a break of not having to run out to the feild or to town to get parts. those are the special moments of a farmers wife that we all celebrate. we like when everything is in the ground at seeding time because the farmer that we married is also happy too. and then we are both happy when the crops are in the bin and we have not had any hail. what a joy that is. then we both get excited when the prices get to where they are good and we can pay all our expenses off. and in our life right now that we can build our house. the kids are excited too but they still dont understand that they will be in a different school then they are in right now. but enough with me talking i justknow my hubby is excited about harvest and so i need to get the house clean and then he will be excited that the house is clean. both things he wants will be done. but it is sure a undertaking. yah for harvest and lets hope no hail. or at least it can come but after we have all the harvest done that goes for us and all the other farmers out there too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

what am i going to do?

i have not had a lot of sleep and it is partly in part to that i am 35 weeks and counting. this pregancy has been really fast. it might be because i have 5 other kids to run around, a house to keep clean, landry to do and put a way, a sundy school lessen to prepare, etc. you get the point but lately both my kids and my hubby feel that they need to wake me up almost everyhour. well it seems to me that it is everyhour. so i have been moving from bed to bed so that i can get a few hours of sleep but it seems that they still can find me and that is worse because there are no more hiding place but the van and that will not be very comfortable but it would be alot cooler then the house. but i just need to get some shut eye because when i dont which is been the past two nights i feel like a walking zombee and there is lots for me to do before this baby comes. like all that i have listed up. i thought last night that hugh was going to be nice and let me have our bed to my self but it was not so. he did fall asleep on the couch and then i thought yes i will be getting some sleep but my dreams where cut short but then jamie had towake me up and then holly woke up and then i finally got soem shut eye and the alarm went off and woke up holly again and she did not go to sleep at this was at 6am and then by 730 all the kids where up. which is good for school to start but i still have a week and 1/2 to sleep in. so i need to get all these guys on board about do not wake me up if you need to go to the bathroom because they all know hwere the bathroom is and they dont need me to hold there hands while they do their business and to my hubby please stop trying to cuddle i am in no mood and your body heat is way to hot for me right now. even if you stand infrount of the air conditioner before you come to bed. so please sleep on your side and i will cuddle when i want to. which will be after this baby is born. well just counting down the weeks and then the days. but rihgt now i am counting the hours until the kids cango to bed so ican go to bed. i sure do love bed time. dont you?

Monday, August 9, 2010

i just want to scream

i am not sure what to title this os that is why there is no title. we have been busy we started today swimming lessons and i had to run to town to get somethings. but have you has one of those days that are great in the morning and thatyou had a great sleep that night before and then when you think things go well we go shopping and nothing turns out. then you leave a store fustrated because no one is listening. then you get home and you just wantto scream. that is what i will title this blog. i just wis hthe people or children would listen but i guess i need to prepare my kids that when we go somewhere that they need to listen. but we just walked out and i did not buy anything which is nice becasue i saves money but when someone needs something out of there then it is not so good. hugh needs new pants. he has lost some weight and has gone down 4 pants sizes. so to say the least he pants do not fit and he only has a few that do. i need to wash his jeans. he has been watching what he eats and esspically at night not to have ice cream or honey toast. so he has lost weight. he has this thing that he is going to weigh less then me when i have this baby. well we have stayed pretty close toeach other right now he is weighing less then me but only by one or two pounds. i am not dieting but i have been eating a lot more fruit. well we all have. and i love to buy fruit.
i am now in need to get hugh some more jeans and i also need to clean my house. right now the house cleaning has to come first. but i also want to make the kids their shorts before summer vaction is over. as you can see i wrote vacation and not summer by it self because summer comes and then goes. it is supose to rain here tomorrow and on wednesy so i am not sure if there will be swimming lessons. they will call me and let me know. and then we will know. i would like to take them to the swimming pool one of these days which might be the thursday becasue one of the kids have a birhtday party that they get to go to and so i need to do somehting fun with the others . i need to go and make supper for the kids and so that they can all go to bed early.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

the new table i bought off of costco .ca

here is the pictures that i have been meaning to put in eamil or on my blog and so the blog worked faster then anything else. so here they are.

doesnt the table and chairs nice the kids love it and have been using it lots. they know that they have to share the chairs and let their younger sister have a chair because she is the youngest.
i went shoppign today with all the kids. we went to childrens place because they where having a sale on their stuff. like jeans and shirts and better prices then walmart and other places that i normally buy. but when i got the email that they had a sale on those i knew i had to go. my mom has taught us girls that when there is a good sale that is when you buy school clothing. and whne i have three in school and 2 at home and one on the way i need all the savings i can get. the lady who served us said how well behaved the kids where. which i thougth that they where good too. but i did have problems with the third oldest which is jamie he still thinks he is 4 somtimes and so i need to buy size 4 but he is 5 and i want his pants to last for at least the year which i hope they last longer. katelyn who is the second oldest has a hard time with jeans because she is so slim that the waste is always to big and i have to use the elastic in them. so we found some jeans to fit her slim figure. which is size 5. the lengthe was good too. which was a plus. sheis almost 7 and she is in a size 5 . wow. so i got all my kids some new clothing even the kids that are not in shcool but the baby who has not graced our presence yeet. which is good. she has alesat 71/2 weeks left. the shirts where the most fun because they had such a great collection that i did not have to tell the kids to pick only one or htere was only one to pickfrom . there where lots. so they got two because i paid less then one shirts was at regular price. wow. i am doing so well now. then i got the three oldest their gym runners because the sale was now and i was there. the younger to got cheaper sandles and i got holly who is the youngest jellies. does anyone remember those. i do as a kid i wore them all the time. so i got her some of those and then some nice dress shoes because she is growing out of them . yes her feet are growing but i think that the rest is not. idid get a size 18 months for jeans because i wanted them to last which they because she is in 12 months now and she is almost 2. so that shows how small she is. so i spent a bit of money but it was worht every penny. my kids will have better quality clothing from the prices of cheaper clothing and they look good. we hopefully will have family photos fdone after the babyb is born so that we have some recent ones. when school starts it will be lots of fun. the kids will love their gym runners and i liked the price. and the service. well i better run. supper needs to be made and i need to put the kids school clothing a way so that they do not wear them. until school so i hope you like the table pictures because i sure love the table and chair.s katie

Friday, August 6, 2010

where has the summer gone..................

As i am writing this i am wondering where has the summer gone. the first week of august is all done and so is the first week of swimming lessons thatwe have. next week will be the older kids swimming and then we will hopefully will be in harvest. When will that start, i am not sure. The kids have been busy when we have swimming and been going to the library for the craft day. they have fun there and it gets them out of hte house. now i need to think of when i am going to be getting the school supplies. thats right i am thinking of that. some of you dont have to worry yet for your kids are not in school but for us moms who have now three full time kids in school is what i am thinking of now. because it is like three weeks away. or close to that. which will be coming up quick. right now there is a sale at the childrens place and i am goign to get the kids clothing now and then i can run to the city by my self and getthe school supplies and i also have to get new runners for all of them. i am goingto be a little more pricy this year becasue i am going to get the better runners they last longer and are about the same price as the cheap ones you can get at payless. which is not paying any less. i am looking for the best deal as i have three i need to buy for.

i have been busy trying to get my scrapbooking room in order again. and going through things i dont need. because i got the new idea book from close tomy heart and there is alot of things thati would and want to get. but i n eed to make sure i have the money and the kids stuff comes first always. so i am going to get hteir school clothing alot cheaper then last year or any other year. maybe i willget hugh a new pair of runners becasue he goes through runners like a kids with an icecream cone. fast. but i want my scrapbooking room clean so htati can go down there and make cards befroe the next trade fair. and then get things ready for workshops because i would like to start that up again. well enough with the scrapbooking stuff. but if anyone of the people who read my blog want a new book email me at kidsofvos@yahoo.ca and then i can send you one. there are some nice andexciting things.

i have not decided yet on when i am going to the city but i am sureit will be in the next couple of days. i jsut dont know when. either today like the afternoon or tomorrow. i jsut need to get off the computer and get working on the house and get it to be clean and then clean out the van and then i think i will be going. so i need to get cracken. well have a great rest of the summer. it has been busy for us and it will only get busier. anyways if anyone is counting how many weeks i have left with number 6 it is 7 1/2 weeks. and then we will have another special child in our family. cant wait. well ican and cant. but i will write about that later.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So summer vaction

Hugh and I wanted to take the kids to Drumheller for a couple of days to see the Dinosoars and all that is there to do there. the kids where all excited to go and so we where off. and it was lots of fun. we stayed in a nice hotel room and the kids got to go swimming. i am so happy for life jakets and for my kids to be in swimming lessons. it is so much eaiser to watch them when they know most of the basics. we had lots of fun. now we need to plan our next holiday to the calgary zoo. what fun that will be. hopefully nan and lily and alexis and taylor can come with us so we can have even more fun. and then maybe calaway park. what fun that will be. we still are going to be going to town close by for things at the library and all that. but right now this week is work. i need to get the house clean and hugh is hauling grain so as soon that is done then we will beable to go on our next adventure. and this summer we are going to not use our credit cards everything is goingto be paid with cash or for free. hope fully we will have enought money to do all that we want. then in august we can get school shopping done i already have the date set. it is goingto be on aug 26. but i will have to take three of my kids with me to get their outfits for school i can not believe thati will have three kids in school. wow my house will be quite because both boys are in school. and i will only have two girls at home. yah. but right now we are going to be doing fun stuff. maybe campi n out back yard. i will post later and tell you all about our next holiday. hope everyone has a fun and enjoyable safe summer.

Friday, June 18, 2010

So its been raining

So it has been raining for about three days now ..... what more can i say. so i decided to take the kids to see toy story 3 this evening . i cant wait and neither can the kids. it is going to be fun. but first i have some things to get done before we go. like the living room because i got the kitchen done when it was lunch time, i am also trying to put in an order fro pamperedchef which is not working and i am not happy. anways i cant wait unitl the movie. it is going to be lots of fun. well i was writing this blog the order went through yah. and only 7 school days left for my two oldest. yah. for them. anyways it has been feeling down lately that is why we are going to a movie. what fun. chat later

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am trying

I am trying to put a way some toys that my kids are not playing with at the moment and that my house can be a lot cleaner when they are out of sight and out of mind. so i got some rubber maid tubs and put the toys they are not playing with. one has already gone down stairs but i have two more that ineed to take down stairs. so that the kids will not make a mess this summer holidays and that our house can be a little less cluttered and i can have a cleaner house. if that will ever happen. so right now i am taking break and writing this and then i am goingto put the rest down stairs put the youngest to bed for a nap and send the others out side so i can get most of it done. and then i might run to town and get my ctmh package that i order. it is a mystery box so not sure what i got for 115.oo but it is work like double that. well i will blog later and tell you all thati got. check out my website if you ahve not and then maybe order some stuff.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I cant believe

I cant believe that it is almost the end of school for my kids and that i will have to be the entertainment for them. But i think lots of camping in our back yard might be a most adventurous we will be doing. We went over to the school to see the slide show of the kids in the year some funny ones. and some really cute ones. and i just thought wow i have been out of school a long time because the grade 12s i remember being in the younger grades now they are off starting their lives like i did almost 10 years before them. well thats all for now. it is raining a little bit here and that is good for my garden. which is in as i said before in the other blogs i wrote. i am hoping to have pictures of some of the new prodjects that ihave been working on and have competed. and i might go to fabric land to get some flannel which is by one meter get the second free. cool deal and there are some nice ones there too. so i might get the kids jammies cheaper if i go before the 16 of june. we will see what will happen.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

everythings is well and good

Went to my doctors and everything is well and good. one last visit and then off to the new doctor. My old doctor has retired from delivering babys so i feel that it is a good time to retire my self from having them. Here are the reasons why

1.I am 28 and not getting any younger.
2. our first baby was delivered by the new doctor.
3. we will be having 6 and i feel that that is plenty
4. i want to be able to scrapbook again and be able to sleep through the night.
5. i would like to go on holidays with them
6. my transportation is getting a little small.
7. we would like to build a house and we need to finalize how many bedroom to put in it (hence stopping at 6 kids)
8. going with reason #7 i would like to put a scrap booking room in there and an office for Hugh.
9. i think we are going to be having more girls then boys which right now the girls are winning
10. who will baby sit 6 kids anyways

so those are the reason there are more but i just cant think of them right now. Heavenly Father has blessed us and we feel so blessed to have these special spirits and i need to let my other sisters bring my parents more grand kids. my time is done. so that said i am happy to report and now it is in writing that this will be our last. i am not sad because i know that Hugh and i have made the right decision on it. i know that the kids will want us to have more but i know that 6 is what will make our family and who can say they are having their 6th not many in this day and age. but i am happy to be the one in how many to say that we have 5 soon to be 6.

when i was at the doctors i had to drink that orange drink and the lady was telling me all about it and that i was there for an hour and so and then she asked if this was my first and i said no this is my 6th time taking this and she was like wow. but i still do not like the orange pop. yak. have all a great night and hope to blog tomorrow about our adventures.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

has this happened to you?

Last week i went to the city and had fun at my son field trip and thought i would do some shopping after it was done. and so we went shopping to discover that some one tried to use my credit card and now i have no credit card because of someone wanted to buy things with out me knowing. and i know it is not my husband because he is a sweet heart and he loves me so much. so i only could spend a little bit of money and then we went home. i did get what was most important toy story and toy story 2 ....... i guess that is not that important but i did get some milk that we needed. so now i am waiting for my new credit card to come in the mail and then i can go and get my daughter a new car seat. but that will have to wait. hopefully soon. but i cant bet you that i will not owe hardly anything on it.

last night i got my garden in. i thought that my kids might like to help. well turns out no. i had to do it all by myself. how fun. the kids where playing out side until the wind came and almost blew them away so they went in side. earlier that day i did rotatill the garden but i had to plant it all bymyself. note to self try to do it when hubby is home so he can help. it took me about an hour to plant it. me and my belly. i know when i was done and came in and got them alll into bed and sat down the baby was jumping like it was her time to make me relieze that she had help too. i do have to say my fourth youngest did come out and help for aboutthe last rows of the garden. i do need to put in more corn which i was suppose to do today but i am to tired and i need to get the house clean. so much for help and giving service. i guess the saying goes better luck next time. right. i will put up some photos of what the garden looks like.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Check out my website

Everyone who loves to get a surprise in the mail will want to check out my website in june at all the different surprises on it. Close to my heart is having a Jackpot June. Where you can get lots of fun stuff for 50% off or more. There are also grab boxes so that you can get a huge surprise coming to you. to order you can email me or you can go on my website and order from there. here is some information

email is kidsofvos@yahoo.ca
or website katievos.myctmh.com
so check it out. and let me know what you wouldl ike to get there will be also mystery products that you can order and get more things free. so check out my website for all the detail. and remember it starts in june. so count down the days . i know i will be.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

so i have started a new blog

So as you can see as the title says i have another blog. this new blog will be for people to see all the treasure that i make and you are able to buy from me too. the prices are good and anyone can order them. and then you see what you want and then i will send you one that is the same or similar to it. i love makeing new things and my sisters can atest to that and so can my kids. my hubby is good and makeing new things that work and sometimes dont but he is creative too. he made our kids beds that are so nice and built solid. anyways i am hoping to have some pictures up of what i have made here in a couple of days like before monday.

another special thing is that my oldest is going to be baptized this saturday and i am so excited and happy for him. he is so grown up and then ofter him there will be more to follow. i just love it that we have to gospel and that we know what we do know. the things we know are so wonderful but why then do we not share them. i know i am scared that someone will not want ot be friends so i think that maybe i just need to work with the spirit and have him help me to know what to do. i am so happy to be a member of the church. i love my family and how wonderful they are and that they are wanting to be and do what the prophet has asked. family is so wonderful/ i ahve a favorite saying is family we may not have it all together but to gether we have it all. wish all of you where here and coming to my sons baptism.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

what is up with may?

So it has been a while since i wrote here but i just have been busy. Anyways on with this. So it seems that May and December have changed in the months. Because not once did the kids miss three days of school in a row in a week in the month of December. But here in the begining of May they went to school on a windy day on monday and tuesday stayed at home, wedsneday stayed at home, thursday stayed at home. so it has been three days of none stop snow. my kids want to now start playing christmas music and they think we should have christmas now. which i have nothing to give them nor do i have the energy to go out in this weather too. so all i can do is take photos, make bread or buns, scrapbooking, or work on things for the trade fair next week which i hope we have better weather so i can beable to get out of my drive way and that ican drive the gravel roads and get on the clear highway. the gravel roads are so bad that i went 20km on it on tuesday when i was coming home from town because we needed groceries which i knew i should have shopped on monday to get. but ohwell. then i talked to my husband and he was going the same speeed to. so it must of been bad. when i was driving on the highway i had to drive in the middle of the highway so that if i did get blown over i would not go in the ditch. so as i told my husband he laughed because he was surprised that i would think of that andthat i finallly listened to him. he is so funny. but i am going to show you some photos of what our yard looked like yesturaday but it has not changed that much today. just more snow. i think we need a vacations. or maybe we should go to the skiing place and go skiing. right lets just make the most out of this and think it could be worse.
the photos where not working very well so they are at the begining and not at the end oh well, you do get to see what we have.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

as you can see

As you can see I have not updated my blog in a long time. Well I have been busy. I am starting my new business it is called Vinyl letter by Katie. Thats right i can cut out vinyl lettering and make things with it. I was just last weekend with my sister in Calgary and she put on a vinyl lettering class where the ladies came and did prodjects that they sighned up from weeks before. there was a great turn out and we had a great time. lots of them did really good. and so i have decied to start my own business of cutting out vinyl lettering. so if you want a special saying cut out and then put it some where like on tile or wood or your walls email me and tell me what you want. if you know what you want and the size then i will beable to tell you what it will cost. i do not charge a lot so everyone can afford it. i also started to make my own hair clips for my daughters (which i have 3) so keep checking for those to see those and also forthe vinyl ideas. i am hoping to have some made up here in the next couple of days.

if you want to email me with some orders here is my email address or you can call me too. i am hoping to have some business cards made up too.

email kidsofvos@yahoo.ca
number is 403 8332477
cell 4033807754

so call and i can cut them up in any color thatyou want. i ahve them all.